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You Can Help

AgeLinc is a funding agency that helps thousands of older adults and people with disabilities receive services from providing agencies in twelve central Illinois counties. 

Each year, we expend significant funding to our communities to help cover needs, promote independence, choice and access to essential services.  Last year, alone, we delivered over $2 million in delivered meals within our service area.

Federal and state funds do not cover the full cost of providing needed services to our communities.  As the pandemic arose, we saw a significant uptick in fulfilling emergency needs.  With more people at home and the older population rising, there is an increased need for gap funding. 

Be part of the direct impact on the lives of older adults and people with disabilities in our service area.  Your support allows us to provide service options as well as develop and expand programs in response to changing needs and expectations.

How You Can Pay It Forward to the Generation Before Us

$1000+  Provides 100 adults lunch at a local Provider Agency near their home

$500  Covers 15 hours of respite care to relieve family caregivers

$100  Offset medical bills / provide assistance with durable medical equipment / help with groceries and hygiene products

$50  Helps with emergency utility assistance

$25  Transportation to and from a doctor’s appointment

$10  One home delivered meal

$ _?_ Whatever you can afford to give.

AgeLinc is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all donations are secure and confidential.  All or a portion of your contribution may be deductible to the fullest extent allowed by current tax law.  Please consult your own legal and tax counsel for more information.

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Donate with PayPal, Credit or Debit Card

By selecting the Donate button on the left, you will be taken to PayPal’s website for the donation.  By submitting your donation, you are consenting to receive event emails from: 

AgeLinc – Area Agency on Aging for Lincolnland,
2731 S. MacArthur Blvd., Springfield, IL 62704

You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any time by using the SafeUnsubscribe® link, found at the bottom of every email.  Emails are serviced by Constant Contact.

Donation by Check

Please make your check payable to AgeLinc.  Send your check to:

2731 S. MacArthur Blvd.
Springfield, IL 62704

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