
Current AgeLinc Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Leaders Needed

Are you a senior who wants to live at home as long possible or to help others do so?  Or do you know a family member, neighbor or fellow churchgoer?

Advisory Council and Board of Directors

The Advisory Council and Board of Directors are key in helping our aging population.  The following position are open:

Advisory Council
Cass County – 1 position
Christian County – 1 position
Jersey County – 1 position
Logan County – 1 positions
Mason County – 2 positions
Menard County – 1 position
Montgomery County – 2 positions
Morgan County – 2 positions
Scott County – 1 position
Member-at-Large – 1 position

Board of Directors
Cass County – 1 position
Christian County – 1 position
Mason County – 1 position
Montgomery County – 1 position
Morgan County – 1 position
Scott County – 1 position

If you are interested in volunteering for any of these positions, please contact us.

Happy volunteer grandmother smiling at camera
Ombudsman Volunteer Flyer

Become A Volunteer Ombudsman

Serving Cass, Christian, Greene, Jersey, Logan, Macoupin, Mason, Menard, Montgomery, Morgan, Sangamon and Scott Counties

What is the Ombudsman Program?

The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program assures that residents receive quality care and dignity of life at the highest practicable level.

ICARE Volunteer Advocates

ICARE Volunteers are trained ombudsmen who visit long-term care facilities on a monthly basis. Volunteers listen to residents’ concerns and advocate on their behalf, with their permission. Volunteer ombudsmen are required to report to their supervising ombudsman who will direct them in their advocacy.

Contact ICARE

If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a volunteer Ombudsman with the ICARE program, please contact the Regional Ombudsman at:

217.523.8419 ext. 10

Or by email at:

[email protected]